Thursday, March 27, 2014

Suggested Proper Etiquette for Employers concerning resumes

Since I have gotten back in the job hunt I have discovered to my dismay that I am not on the same sheet of music as many of my potential/future employers. In the state which I reside, in most cases as an educator you are required to fill out the state employment form/resume on-line and then select which counties to submit your information to. The job postings from time to time also list where a job may be and that you need to contact those Principals/employers directly. 

I think that is where the disconnect is. 

I have spent countless hours working and revising my resume. I have also had other professionals in my field give me suggestions on how to make my resume stronger. I feel as though I have done a thorough job of this and am perplexed. 

My suggestion to leaders are: 

1.When you receive a resume via email that you should send an email back confirming that you did in fact get it. I would appreciate it as well as the others that took their time to send it. 

2.If you receive it via the mail that you should respond in either by mail or by an email. This is also common courtesy and we would like at least an acknowledgement. 

 These two simple suggestions would be great to do and would exhibit that you are the place where we would like to work. No response, even if we are not what you are looking for is plain rude. I have had two amazing leaders in the past that did things two different ways. One would just write a short note, the other just a short email response (ty-thanks,and jad) which are my initials. 

See, I am already practicing. Ty, JAD :)

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