Thursday, March 27, 2014

Being positive in the workplace

I have always believed that if you loved what you were doing that the positive feeling you exuded had the tendency to be infectious. I believe that more today than in any other part of my life. I enjoy turning a bad situation into a good one, a bad day into a good day with the students in my school.

Often a smile or a kind word helps them get through their day.  I do understand that there are some students that do not want my help. That has never been a deterrence to me in attempting them to enable them to look at their glass as half full.

I believe as leaders it is incumbent of us to do the right thing in all situations and to set a positive example for the students we lead.

They need to know that we care and even if our day hasn't been the best that we are going to put a smile on our face and make the best of whatever  the day has in store for us.

"A teacher who is attempting to teach without inspiring the pupil with a desire to learn is hammering on cold iron." -- Horace Mann

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