Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Everything I needed to know...

Everything I needed to know I learned from my mother. I learned how to say hi and please. I learned that you should treat others as you would want to be treated. I learned that I wouldn't jump off a bridge if my friend said to do so. I learned that if you put kids from different backgrounds in a sandbox that they would play together and for the most part they would play nice. I learned to be home before dark, to brush my teeth after every meal, and to be nice to my siblings. I learned how to say thank you and mean it. I learned how to be respectful to all adults, even if I had to bite my tongue and even if I thought what they were saying wasn't making good sense to me. I learned to look both ways before I crossed the street. This advice has saved me more than once. I learned that life is full of good and bad people and it was best to hang around those that were good. I am sure I have missed some things but these are the ones that echo most in me even when I do things today. I am forever grateful and in her debt forever.

PS: I have instilled those same life lessons in my children. I learned that was important too...

“When you know better you do better.” 
― Maya Angelou

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